Sunday, June 11, 2006

Televisa Threatens to Create American Network to Compete with Univision

June 8th was the rumored deadline for potential bidders for Univision to submit their proposals. It's unclear, from media reports, if that was a drop-dead deadline and whether Televisa and others submitted their bids.

I am intrigued by news that Mexican media conglomerate Televisa, already a modest stakeholder in Univision, and a potential suitor for the rest of Univision's assets, has leaked word of a "plan B" should their proposal fall through. One potential partner for that effort is SBS, though others are named as well.

I have seen few reports on the Univision sale in the past week and only the financial news services appear to be reporting on this closely.

Click [here] or [here] for the Financial Times story.

Click [here] for the Bloomberg story.

Click [here] for word of another potential SBS media project in Puerto Rico.

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