Friday, June 06, 2008

Obama Has Wide Lead Over McCain Among Hispanic Voters

A new poll shows presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama with an enormous lead over John McCain among Hispanic voters. Before accepting it as gospel, it's worth asking how accurate and representative this Gallup poll is.

Regardless, I have no doubt Obama is going to win the Hispanic vote in 2008, the real question is by how much.

Here's Peter Wallsten's article in the Los Angeles Times today about the new poll.

Karl Rove had a column in the Wall Street Journal aimed at exposing weaknesses of the two leading candidates. One section suggests Obama is in trouble with Latinos. But given the new Gallup poll, the following excerpt from Rove's column may not be relevant: 

"Mr. Obama's support among Latino voters was a tepid 34% in the 13 primary contests with an appreciable number of Hispanics. He carried a majority of the Hispanic vote in only one state – his home state of Illinois, which he won by the slim margin of 50%-49%."

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