Thursday, April 03, 2008

Diversifying Campaign '08 News Commentary

Like most political strategists and researchers in Washington, DC I have noticed the huge cast of commentators on CNN and other networks this campaign season. Felicia R. Lee of The New York Times had a nice summary and analysis of the diversification of commentators/contributors in the paper this week.

She writes: "All the commentators appear when the networks need them, but are on television more than guest pundits from the outside. While a few are unknown to general audiences, they all come with extensive résumés that mostly include backgrounds in journalism, politics, academe, nonprofit organizations or business."

No doubt there has been a shift, and I have liked it and I bet it has helped secure larger and more diverse audiences, but I am left wondering if the very best minds are making it through to TV this season.

Here's the NYT story:

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